If the screenplay calls for the sea and mountains, many film producers choose Krasnodar Region. It is distinguished by its unique geographical position and the variety of its natural landscapes, a warm climate, and good weather conditions. Krasnodar Region is located in the southwest part of the North Caucasus. Its borders are washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. In 2020, more than 20 film projects were filmed in the region.
Key Benefits:
  • Wild multi-kilometer beaches and lakes.
  • An Olympic park with futuristic sports facilities and a Formula 1 race track.
  • Vineyards and chalets.
  • Memorials.
  • Sea coast. Krasnodar Region straddles two seas: the Black and the Azov.
  • The mountains of the Western Caucasus, glaciers, alpine meadows, and subtropical vegetation.
  • A moderate continental climate, which is warm for about 10 months of the year.
  • Daylight from 10 to 15 hours.
  • A large selection of film equipment for rent.
  • Services for the selection of actors.
  • A large number of specialists, including make-up artists, location managers, lighting specialists, assistant directors, stunt coordinators, casting directors, and those dealing with decorations and props.
  • In 2021, the region introduced the provision of subsidies to film companies to reimburse part of the costs associated with the production of national films in the region.

Rosa Khutor
Olympic Park
Grand Ice Palace
Rosa Khutor
Marine Station
Rock "Sail"
The Regional Film Commission takes care of all issues related to the organization of filming in the region includingthe selection of locations, the coordination and issuance of permits for filming, and assistance in other organizational matters.

Московская область
Ленинградская область
125009, Russia,
Moscow, Kalashny Lane 14