"Anna Karenina" is a novel by Leo Tolstoy, published in installments between 1875 and 1877, and is considered one of the pinnacles of world literature. In this series, we explore the character of Anna Karenina and discuss the figure of Leo Tolstoy.
The project was created in cooperation with the Tolstoy family and Tolstoy’s biographer. Our project is a unique blend of a documentary segment, in which experts discuss Tolstoy’s novel, and a fictional part, where actors audition for a non-existent film adaptation of the novel. This innovative format is sure to pique your interest.
Sergey Bondarchuk, Anastasiya Koreckaya, Anna Kolchina,
Alexey Kiselev
Business Development Director
Pavel Basinsky,
Elena Isaeva,
Andrey Kapetskiy, Anna Kolchina