"The No Man Zone" is a satire that offers a fresh take on the dramedy genre. The year is 2140, and society has undergone profound changes, now operating as a matriarchy, eliminating its reliance on men. Two Hills is one of the communities founded by this new order — a place of perfection, where harmony prevails over conflict, science and reason dominate, and the environment is protected and respected. One of its inhabitants is Rada, a history teacher. On her birthday, she takes her students on a guided tour of a special area outside of Two Hills, a place where the so-called “primates” live. The "primates" are men (and a few women) who have chosen to live beyond female control. However, the tranquility of Rada’s perfectly arranged, female-centric world is threatened when she meets a young "primate" named Gera. It’s a classic girl-meets-boy story in a world where the rules have fundamentally changed.
Eduard Iloyan, Vitaliy Shlyappo, Denis Zhalinsky, Alexey Trotsyuk
Krepchuk Dmitry,
Zuenok Alexey,
Molchanov Anatoliy,
Zub Vyacheslav