
Russian popular comedies and dramas to be shown in Laos

Major Platinum Cineplex cinema in Vientiane is providing free screenings of the films as part

of the Russian Film Festival (RFF)

From April 21 to April 23, Russian Film Festival invites all cinema fans to screenings of

contemporary Russian films. The festival program includes five films: romantic comedies and

dramas, family films, and animation. Laos is a new direction in the geography of Russian Film

Festival, which has already visited 30 countries around the world. RFF in Laos, organized by

ROSKINO with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Russian

Center of Science and Culture in Laos.
Vladimir Kalinin, Russian Ambassador to Laos: “In 2023, Russia and Laos will celebrate 63 years

since the establishment of diplomatic relations. We are actively developing cultural and humanitarian

cooperation and welcome the opportunity to organize Russian Film Festival in Laos. This is an important

cultural mission that will introduce contemporary Russian films to the people of Laos. In Laos, Russia

and its culture are warmly welcomed, and I am sure that Laotian viewers will be happy to know more

about Russian actors and directors, especially since themes of the films of the RFF program are

universal—love, friendship, striving for a dream, and mutual support.”

Alexander Radkov, Head of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Laos: “Since the

establishment of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Laos in 2013, the development of bilateral

cooperation, the promotion of Russian culture, and the acquaintance of Laotians with modern Russia

cinema have been especially important. Film, perhaps, is one of the most accessible and understandable

languages for broadcasting cultural values and getting to know the mentality of different countries, and

we are glad to be partners of RFF. Laos is a country where its own film industry is at the initial stage of

development, while cinema as a form of leisure is loved here, and we hope that the RFF will attract a

large number of viewers and help viewers learn more about the life of modern Russia.”

Russian Film Festival Program
An excellent start to the weekend for film lovers will be the evening screening of the musical sports

drama Ice, which will open the Festival on Friday, April 21 The film directed by Oleg Trofim, which

was released in cinemas in early 2018, tells the story of a figure skater, Nadia, who, thanks to faith and

perseverance, achieves great success. However, when her dreams of high-profile victories, a wonderful

life, and a handsome prince already seem ready to come true, fate presents a real test. The film was in the

top three most popular Russian films abroad in 2018, collecting the largest box office in China, and in

2020 its sequel Ice 2 was in the top ten Russian films in terms of box office internationally. At the end of

2022, the producers announced that the third part of the successful franchise would also be filmed.

Another drama in the RFF program is the family adventure film A Dog Named Palma (2021), directed

by Alexander Domogarov Jr. This is a story based on real events. According to the plot, Palma, a

German shepherd, is forced to part with his owner who flies abroad. The faithful dog is left behind right

on the airfield. Palma meets the planes every day in the hope that his owner has returned. Meanwhile, 9-

year-old Kolya is also new at the airport. He lost his mother and moved in with his father, a pilot he

barely knows. Palma becomes a kindred spirit and best friend for the boy. The film is already familiar to

viewers in different countries: the film was released in cinemas in China, and in Japan it became the

highest grossing Russian film in the past 20 years. The rights to the film were sold in 20 countries around

the world. At RFF in Thailand, which took place in 2023, A Dog Named Palma attracted record numbers

of viewers.

For a romantic mood the Russian Film Festival offers two comedies Desperate for Marriage and

Russian South. Desperate for Marriage, directed by Sonya Karpunina, was released in Russian cinemas

in March 2022 and immediately became the biggest comedy of the season. This is a story about a

journalist for whom everything is going according to plan: she works as a TV presenter and has a

successful and rich fiancé. The plan is shattered when a chance encounter sets off a series of events which

completely changes her life. The comedy participated in RFF 2022 in Brazil, Mexico, Serbia, and


Russian South by Anton Fedotov takes viewers to the coast of the Black Sea in summer and plunges

them into a world of passions. Artem, a student, falls in love with a young beauty from the Black Sea.

Having lost his head, he gives up everything and moves—for the sake of his beloved—to the Russian

South, a place he knows nothing about. It turns out that the beautiful Ksyusha is already being pursued by

two serious local competitors. It seems that the naive student simply has no chance, but he is not going to

give up.

For young viewers, the festival will show the full-length cartoon Horse Julius on the Throne and the

Three Heroes from directors Darina Schmidt and Konstantin Feoktistov. This is a story about Julius the

Horse, who becomes the protagonist of incredible adventures.

Screening schedule at the Major Platinum Cineplex:

April 21 (Friday):

Ice (closed screenings)

April 22 (Saturday):

11:00 Horse Julius on the Throne and the Three Heroes

15:00 A Dog Named Palma

April 23 (Sunday):

11:00 Russian South

15:00 Desperate for Marriage