office A210, 29-134, Vereyskaya str, Moscow, 121357, Russia
YARKO Animation Company is a multi-brand enterprise known for its unique approach to animated content and full project life-cycle capabilities — spanning from idea generation to realization, distribution, licensing, marketing, and PR promotion. The company’s portfolio encompasses a wide range of children’s media projects aimed at a general audience. Currently, the company has over 15 projects at various stages of production, designed for children aged 0-12, with more than 1,275 minutes of animated footage produced.
Some of its well-known brands include "Tommy The Little Dragon", "Sport Tommy", "Team MATCH", "Dragonia", "Fly Deliveries", "Tickabo", "Living Garage", and "Shushu Magic". Additionally, YARKO is planning a family-friendly feature-length animated film titled "Dinosaur Doctor" in collaboration with the Central Partnership film company.